Born in Rome in November 1971, I spent my early years amongst Nature in Africa, then within Italian Culture, and later in the French Education system.
In 1989 I take my International BACCALAURÉAT at the renowned Lycée International de Saint Germain-en-Laye. I attend EHESS courses and at the University of Communication in Paris I obtain the DEGREE in Global Communication in 1993, and a MASTER in Public Relations. The latter includes a thesis entitled: “How to face intercultural barriers in international negotiations”.
During University I undertake a series of INTERNSHIPS: at communication agency Euro RSCG; at financial company Pictet Group in London; at marketing sector of Alitalia airline; and at UNESCO’s IPDC Program in Paris.
To earn, I do a number of interim JOBS: from acting for advertising to sailing ship crewman; from supermarket salesman to waiter in restaurants and at McDonald’s; from guide to drilling for waterhole in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana.
In 1991 I found Loako, a HUMANITARIAN organization that, for 10 years, acts as intermediary between European students and projects in developing countries. Its main function is to promote humanitarian campaigns involving young volunteers, do fundraising and organize dozens of summer School courses, mainly in Ethiopia.
Having finished my studies in France in 1994, I spend a year traveling across the 5 CONTINENTS, performing Magic shows in pubs throughout twelve countries. This is helped by my fluency in 4 LANGUAGES.
At the end of 1995 I return to regular employment with the UNITED NATIONS in Kenya, as assistant for communication development in Eastern Africa. Based at Unesco headquarters in Nairobi, I appraise and implemented financial requests for Communication and Media activities; aimed at the development of Democracy.  But the career at the U.N. is abruptly interrupted…
End 1996 I return to Italy, entering the ADVERTISING industry and basing myself in Milan. For 2 YEARS I work for Gruppo Pubblicita Italia where I manage editorial projects and promote events and shows. Advisor in Social Communication, I CREATE ‘Opportunity’, weekly magazine insert focusing on job offers in Non-Profit sector.
I become well-established, gradually gaining work experience and increasing income…
But in 1998 it’s time to realise a DREAM: do the ‘Round the World tour without money nor luggage’. I resign from my employment and submit my idea to sponsors and to the Guinness of Records. 109 days of ‘the high school of life’ around the world. The communication project gathers success; long articles appear, from Daily to Weekly and Monthly; from the Los Angeles Times to school diaries; from talk shows to television news.
My Name appears in gossip columns, on TV quiz shows and at the Wheel of Fortune!
I start to write, and in 1999 German publisher Ullstein – Bild Buch, publishes my first BOOK: ‘Ohne Geld um die Welt’. It is then published in Italy by Piemme, France by Hachette, Canada by France Loisirs. Around 50 thousand copies are sold and several awards won. Present on italian Wikipedia, among contemporary travel writers.
I publish articles for the press and enter the Order of JOURNALISTS. I have my Personal Column on the monthly ‘Travel’ and work at documentary productions. Guest at dozens of Tv programs.
VOGUE magazine defines me as ‘the emblem of the Adventurous Gentleman of the turn of the century’.
In 2000, I start my own Communication COMPANY – 01 Ltd., which involves, among other things, the creation of one of the first online Travel Communities: NomadCommunity.com. I sign agreements with Omnitel – Vodafone Group, followed by sponsors such as Benetton and National Geographic. An initial turnover of several hundred thousand Euros.
In 2001 I put into operation the first ‘INTERACTIVE Round The World Tour’, creating in effect the first Reality travel show. I develop Nomad, a mobile platform that organizes EVENTS around the world: from Adventure to Sports, from Environmental to Humanitarian causes, from Culture to Games. I surpass the 40 countries visited.
I build up my international PRESS REVIEW and participate to events as moderator, juror and opinion leader.
Then, September 11 reduces my company’s plans…
I carry out consultancies in Integrated communication and set up INITIATIVES such as the Cargo Freight Club, Outis travel fair, the first Webding and folkloric associations. My oil paintings appear also on AD Magazine.
I resign from running 01Ltd. I sign a collaboration with LifeGate, Environmental visionary italian company.
After 7 years in Brera, Milan, I move to the centre of Rome. In 31 years I have lived in 20 houses !
January 2003, I am employed by VIAGGI DELL’ELEFANTE: prestigious Italian Tour Operator specializing in Luxury travels. I am placed in charge of Marketing and Communication Management, responsible for advertising and promotions, web, client service, events and chief of the Press Office.
On 4 June 2004, I MARRY Francesca Boeris Clemen, Doctor in Pediatric surgery. We live in Trastevere.
As Managing Editor of www.Buonenotizie.it, I become Vice President of the ‘Good News’ Association. I launch the MAGAZINE ‘Good News’, as Editor-in-Chief, and receive praise from the Italian Head of State, President Ciampi.
On 27 June 2005, my SON Pietro is born.
My second Book, ‘Make a Run!: 100 experiences to do once in a lifetime’, is published by MONDADORI.
After 3 YEARS at Viaggi dell’Elefante, I resign. Hired for a short period by Kel12, specialized in luxury Adventures.
Co-founder of the family production company: Tico Film. I develop a TV travel show for RAI Television: Car@van. I’m the TV presenter for 18 episodes of the show on RAI Futura.
In September 2006 I become Country Manager Italy of the prestigious Indian company OBEROI Hotels & Resorts. I work with Tour Operators and Agencies, but also Corporate and Mice, and as Press office. In 2007 the Oberoi Amarvilas is elected ‘Best Hotel in the World’, by Travel + Leisure! In 2008 I broaden my responsibilities, becoming Sales Manager for Trident Hotels, in all 30 properties between India, Egypt, Mauritius and Indonesia. I also enter the Spanish market and collaborate with Lokananda representing other prestigious brands, such as Fairmont and Sanctuary Retreats by Abercrombie & Kent.
Often invited as a speaker by several SCHOOLS, I coin WorldILoveYou.com. I’m also LECTURER in Marketing of Tourism in different Universities, including Roma Tre and Luiss.
In April 2010, after nearly 4 YEARS, I stop representing The Oberoi Group.
I start my adventure with the historical Swiss group KUONI, as Country Manager for its Indian DMC, Sita. In January 2011 I expand my reach, assuming the responsibility also for Desert Adventures and Private Safaris, DMC’s for the Middle East and Africa respectively. I promote travel services for over 25 countries in the Italian market, growing business in all Operators segments, Leisure & Mice. At the end of 2013, for the fourth consecutive year, Kuoni Destination Management wins the World Travel Awards as World Leading DMC’s!
I meet Ministers and write a couple of texts for the ghostwriter of Italian Prime Minister.
In 2014 I create AROUND THE WORLD Tours, group specialized in designing and promoting round-the-world tours. The website is ranked in world top 700 thousand. Over the years we work with major travel operators and with National Geographic. My Tours appear also on the prestigious The New York Times, on Wikitravel, on university theses and prize competitions.
I obtain the South African PASSPORT. Chapter leader in Rome of Travel Massive, major global travel community.
In 2015 I find my name on Italian primary school TEXTBOOKS, together with several pages about my travels. I dedicate a 2-years educational project to a public school.
Over the years I support adventure challenges, present books and set up events for travelers. My office is at Avventure nel Mondo. I co-author the book “That train to Baghdad” and publish my first book also in English.
I invent TripTherapy.com and TravellerMovement.com.
After 7 YEARS, I stop working for Kuoni and Thomas Cook, but keep representing small independent DMC’s.
I discover Holistic Medicine and from 2017, for 3 YEARS, I represent the Somatheeram AYURVEDA Group. Top global brand for Ayurveda Clinic Resorts and Yoga centers in India, I handle sales & marketing and press in Italian and some European markets.
I create, in Rome, a viral initiative for MIGRANTS called: ‘I sweep your street’ – reported also by BBC World and by Reuters International. The activity gets integrated in the social fabric.
I am awarded with the ‘Enrico Toti prize’, as Italian EXCELLENCE for Travels & Explorations.
End 2018 I SELL the international branch of my Round the World Tour Operator to the American group Bootsnall – Airtreks, leader in Indie travels and multi-stop air tickets.
My Omani client Zahara Tours is elected by World Travel Awards, ‘leading Adventure Tour Operator’.
I expand activities promoting also incoming with Best of Italy, and Foreign Tourism Boards working for french company Axium by Parker.
But in march 2020, due to Covid-19, I close with Somatheeram and with all my tourism Representations.
In the tragedy, I receive recognition for my blood donations.
I deepen and divulge my website Contemplazione.com – travel through beauty.
In September I start working for Oasi Dynamo, part of DYNAMO Philanthropy Foundation. Head Sales & Marketing, we create OasyHotel: first Eco Resort in a WWF Oasis. We launch the hotel in Tuscany.  I then move to the development of the Nature Reserve, promoting Conservation and the relation between ‘Humans and NATURE‘. Among the initiatives, I create and present a Review of Talks with scientists, researchers, journalists and writers; and a calendar of Concerts in Nature. I start up MasterClasses of wildlife photography.
I create the International Meeting of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Explorer. An annual event at Dynamo, in which explorers and scientists from the NG Society are trained to become environmental communicators.
After 20 years of Marriage, the balances change. I move to the Countryside with my Labrador dog.
I take on the representation of Vakkaru MALDIVES, elected for the 4° consecutive year by World Travel Awards: World Leading luxury Honeymoon Resort. In 2024 I expand the markets, covering also France.
I discover the conscious dance; we launch EcstaticDance.it. Sales of Olympia Waters: luxury dreams agency.
Volunteer at Dynamo Camp, I start a collaboration with UNHCR, in support of minor migrants and Refugees.
For nearly 35 YEARS quoted on the Press, in a thousand pages of articles  @


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